Church Update Progress

We are moving forward. Preparation of specific plans, which are the means for implementation of the general building design, is in progress. The architectural, structural, mechanical and plumbing drawings are being drafted and finalized. It may take 90 days or less to finish everything: from drafting to correction by the city to the final building plan.
This is where we are now: from the mountain to the valley.
Brethren, we are just hearing only the sound of abundance of blessings. We have an update. But, like Elijah, we ought to pray some more for the project to come to its fruition. While there was still no blessing that came, Elijah looked again seven times, praying after every time he checked. We, too, have to check how we’re doing. To believe that we shall be victorious is already to have won half the battle. Elijah did not stop praying – and believing — until he got his prayers answered. (1 Kings 18:32 -41) PRAY OFTEN.
“The God of the mountain, is the God of the valley.”
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