Updates From Our Pastor

Updates From Our Pastor
“Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it:” (Psalm 127:1)
What a blessing! We asked God and God answered. Everyone who has supported our Building of Faith project in prayer, monetary donations and encouraging words will be excited to learn that the building cost has been paid in full.
Last January 18, 2015 saw the promise as we held the Ground Breaking Ceremonies at the proposed school ground. Preparations for the renovation of the building is now ongoing. Target date for the full completion of the project has been set in September 2015.
Just think, when the school opens, 150 young lives and their families will be changed for the better!
We are making progress, however, so much remains to be done. But our God is “able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” (Ephesians 3:20).
Your donation will bring us closer to our goal. Many business and community leaders are on board as well as individuals. Our community is clearly excited and eager to see this project succeed. We encourage everyone to prayerfully consider what God is saying to them in response to the needs of the Building Project. You can be a part of that excitement by supporting our youth with your donation.
Our church is a non-profit organization (501c3) and your donation is tax-deductible.